Smart retirement planning begins early! That's because living the American dream after retirement takes more than modest means. And, the chances are good that many who are working today won't have enough in government or pension support to carry them through later.
We want to help you plan for those golden years-easily, conveniently, and regularly. We've discovered that those who begin retirement funding early and contribute on a regular basis are in the best position to enjoy many years of worry-free retirement. Saving seems easier too, because early savers can actually put away less each month than those who postpone saving and have to play catch-up.
Our retirement plans offer you a way to set aside a portion of your earnings especially for the future. And, they offer a great opportunity to multiply your assets over the years. We can help you choose the method that best suits your needs.
Each IRA type is intended to help take you into the future safely and securely. And, as you plan, don't forget that some IRAs are considered a good tax-deferred option for most people, because you pay no taxes on the income earned until the money is withdrawn-which is usually not until retirement.
However you chose to save, remember to begin planning as early as possible. And, if you have questions, we're here to help. Please stop in and see us anytime!
IRA Types Offered:
- Traditional
- Roth
- Education
*Consult your tax adviser, legal counsel, and/or insurance agent for advice and information concerning your particular situation and your eligibility for IRA's. First National Bank representatives may not give legal or tax advice.